Three Philosophies

We at Three Stars International School are working to raise the next generation of children according to these three pillars of education: academic, physical and nutrition. Our goal is they will expand on their self-realization and potential ability to communicate.


1. Our native teachers all have extended experience teaching English as a second language in Japan. They will ensure a full immersion to English within school boundaries. By doing so, the children will not only become fluent speakers, but all thoughts and ideas processed will be in English as well.


2. We will thoroughly expose the children to music and art. Through art, the children will learn how to express themselves creatively and individually, a vital future skill. Exposure to music will not only relax and refresh their brains, but will expand their imagination and ability to concentrate. Throughout each day they will have many chances to hear music, some examples are: our morning rhythmic accompanied by piano, BGM during nap time, and attending actual concerts.


3. Through the studies of math, Sprout of Curiosity, and science in kindergarten along with the basics, we expect to peak the sense of curiosity for the children. This will inspire them to ask questions like “Why?” or “How?”, generating a desire or hunger for knowledge. During the year we will also be visiting the Science Museum in Kanagawa.


4. To create a sense of interest and motivation in learning, it’s important that the children have opportunities to meet, interact with, and understand their peers and teachers. We have implemented language and phonics study at all levels of our curriculum, providing them with the tools necessary to do so.


5. We believe the study of culture is very important, starting with the children’s immediate surroundings then expanding into Japanese culture, and finally into other cultures. Specifically for the study of Japanese culture, the children will learn about various subjects: from all four seasons and their effects on nature, to traditional Japanese studies such as martial arts.


6. Hands-on is minds-on. Busy hands is busy brains. Here a Three Stars, we approach this topic in many ways: phonics and math activities, Arts and crafts, and cooking.

★Physical Education★

1. We are strong advocates of healthy, physical growth. Hence the children will be going to outside to play at the park daily with the exception of once a week where the children will attend a martial arts class taught by a professional instructor. During the hottest month of summer, park trips will be substituted with trips to the pool, keeping the children cooler while maximizing exposure to the sun.


2. We believe walking is important even for small children. Between trips to the park, field trips and other activities, the children will be doing a lot of walking. Each child in our curriculum will quickly build the necessary strength and stamina to keep up.


3. We all will take an Aikido class once in a week every week from a professional martial artist.


4. Starting a new school can be stressful especially for younger children due to a strict time schedule accompanied by academic and physical demands. Thus, the younger children will have nap time after lunch.


5. During the course of the year there will be many field trips and seasonal events. With our own school bus, the children will be free to have exciting adventures to various places where they can encounter and experience nature, in all its glory.


1. We believe that teaching the children to be thankful is as important as teaching them about good nutrition. Every day lunch time will be spent with everyone together gathered at the table to talk about the menu, ingredients and taste, while enjoying the food. Also we will have a trip to a designated rice field where children and parents can plant and harvest rice to experience the hardships of the process.


2. Our licensed nutritionist will be in charge of making healthy, well-balanced meals and snacks daily for all children. All ingredients used in our school for cooking and lunches will be hand-selected by our nutritionist and administrator who will notify all parents about the place of origin per ingredient. Meal from which a specified allergy substance is removed according to the demand of an individual allergy-developed person can be handled. Please feel free to ask our school nutritionist.


3. Once a month we will have a big cooking class in which students will make one side menu to be eaten with their dinner at home the same evening. In addition, once a month they will make a snack to be eaten at school.


We look after your precious child who will shoulder a responsibility for the next generation. We commit ourselves to doing everything we can to help your children to have a bright wonderful future.

To do that, we respectfully request your understanding and cooperation.

Three Stars International School

All of teachers and staff