Whoa, new website! (Summer camp, Field Day, Potato Digging, Halloween, Lalaport)
Hey everyone!
It’s been a busy few months. We’ve been in the process of getting our new website designed and finished. It still needs a little more work and we plan to include a gallery page so we’ll have it ready as fast as we can! In the meantime, here’s what you’ve missed so far (links will be fixed once the gallery is uploaded):
Summer Camp
It was successful and glorious!
View the Summer Camp pictures here <—
Field Day
It’s come and gone. Unfortunately the weather was not on our side this year. We did the best we could with what we had!
View the Field Day pictures here <—
Potato Digging
Everyone had a great time and dug up many potatoes.
View our pictures here <—
This year was our biggest, most successful year yet!
View our spooky pictures here <—
Lalaport shopping
Did you see the wallets we made? They were pretty neat!
Check us out while we were shopping here <—