
Kindergarten: Children between the ages of four and six. The kindergarten classes will be exposed to a higher level of curriculum than preschool, and also includes other subjects such as science, social studies, and a silent reading time. A school-wide circle time on Wednesdays for the older students to have a chance to interact with and help younger students speak. Kindergarten also has various field trips throughout the year including live concerts and a science park.

【Kindergarten Weekly Schedule】

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:50 Arrival time Arrival time Arrival time Arrival time Arrival time
9:00 Rhythmic Rhythmic Rhythmic Rhythmic Rhythmic
9:15 Phonics Mathematics School-wide Circle time Mathematics Phonics
9:45 Snack&Bathroom break Snack&Bathroom break Snack&Bathroom break Snack&Bathroom break Snack&Bathroom break
9:50 Park time Art Aikido Park time Special Activity (Cooking, Craft, Birthday party etc.)
10:50 Park time Park time
11:10 Values Extra Sprout of Curiosity
11:30 Circle time & Sprout of Curiosity Language
11:40 Social Studies
12:00 Lunch time Lunch time Lunch time Lunch time Lunch time
13:00 Reading Reading Reading Science Reading
13:30 Story time Story time Story time Story time Story time
Home time Home time Home time Home time Home time

【Kindergarten Monthly Schedule】

Week Contents
1st week Evacuation drill, Monthly craft (Once a month, seasonal one)
2nd week Height and Weight
3rd week Monthly cooking (Once a month, Cook dinner and take home)
4th week Birthday party & Birthday lunch
(5th week) Big park : Drive kids to a big park to play in the morning